Internet Business Opportunities

A platform site is a site like YouTube and Fiverr where the user submits all the content and the owners do the maintaining of the site. A platform site works best when done in a specific niche like YouTube which was created for video and video only.
Take as an example, the site was designed and marketed to get people to post mini ads, those mini ads cover everything from jobs to selling houses.
Gumtree make money from showing several adverts on each page, there are sponsored adverts both top and bottom of each page. With thousands of people posting mini ads in cities and Countries across the world there are a lot of adverts seen and a lot of people are seeing them.
Platform sites are not as easy to make as a simple WordPress site, a proper web developer will need to be employed to create the functionality you need as well as a great looking design that will make people want to use your site.
Functionality and user friendly set up is very important with these types of sites. If a user finds it hard to use the site or navigate around it they will not use the site or return.
There are other ways to make money from Platform sites, one way is to offer a free user account where people can upload their videos, pictures or PDFs or whatever service the site offers. The free account comes with either monthly upload limits, or has adverts placed all over their account pages.
The site owners then make more money by charging a monthly fee to get access to the premium service that removes the advertising, increases the upload limits or offers more user tools.
Di.Fm is an online internet radio station (That this Minion loves) that links many other internet radio stations under their umbrella, they have audio advert breaks between music and shows which stop once you pay for the better quality service. They also use adverts on the pages that show the updated radio playlists.
There are several massive content platform sites that you probably use daily and don't think about. I can think of one that is used by millions each day for hours on end.
Facebook, Heard of it? Yes of course you have.
Doesn't cost you anything to use, and all the content is added by you, the user. Now we know that Facebook employs a lot of people now, and is constantly changing which isn't cheap, but I am sure you are aware that Mr Z was the youngest billionaire and that Facebook is worth more than the amount needed to pay off some countries debt!
But I am sure you are getting the idea here; take EzineArticles for another example, a site that has thousands of users adding content to the site every day. The idea is simple one, a site was created where the user would add their own articles that they would allow other people to use as website, newsletter and email content with the condition that the Author information and links must be kept in place.
Since Google has changed its searching process and relevant content rules article directories are not as powerful as they once were. They are still a great way though to get your content and website address seen.
But more importantly from the site owners perspective, they built a site that had users coming to the site looking for articles to use or posting articles to be used. The content creation was completely from an external source. With thousands of visitors a week they were able to have many adverts shown to thousands of eyes.
Now they have to make sure the site has plenty of storage, that it is always live and do any maintenance that is needed as well check each article to make sure that they fitted within the sites rules so there is now plenty of work for the Ezine people to do, they just don't need to worry about content which for an online business is the biggest issue.
They now have a paid membership service that gives the big article writers a quicker submission service where they can upload more than the free account and get them live quicker. Ezine Articles are cashing in from a monthly premium service, and yet the content for the site is still from an external source.
You pay them and still provide the sites content, the content that helped it become a massive content rich site.
Well I shall leave that with you, I am sure you can think of some great idea that could be the next Ezine Articles or YouTube, or at least something that will help you leave the day job and create a life living on automated passive income. Now wouldn't that be nice?

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